Saturday, September 10, 2011


The corn is doing very well. So far, I picked around eight ears, and have seen no signs of rodents. Also, the temperatures are now in the 80's on a consistent basis. Wind continues to pose some challenges though and blows the stalks sideways. I've provided some support in the form of several six-foot long aluminum poles.
In other news, I have cyclamen hederifolium growing in a couple of spots that are now blooming. I planted one corm in a pot that is doing quite nicely. Once I placed it in a very shaded spot (on my deck) the plant showed remarkable growth. Also, I have a couple of plants buried in my p-patch plot that are also sending up blooms. Since that paricular spot gets several hours of direct sunlight every day, I have constructed a short-term shade solution from a burlap bag and some posts. I still need to research something more permanent if my shade plants are going to thrive.